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Mingfeng Yuan


Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Aerospace Studies

University of Toronto
4925 Dufferin St.
North York, ON, Canada
M3H 5T6

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Mingfeng Yuan is a postdoctoral researcher at Toronto Robotics and AI Laboratory
(TRAIL) advised by Prof. Steven Waslander. Prior to this, he received his Ph.D. in
Space Engineering from York University supervised by Prof. Jinjun Shan. He is broadly
interested in building machine learning models that perceive the world with multi-
modalities and interact with the world to accomplish complex tasks. Currently, he works
on embodied intelligence and exploring the application of large language models (LLMs)
in robotics to achieve general intelligence. His research interests include human-robot
interaction, decision-making and motion planning in autonomous driving, and nonlinear
system modeling. Please visit his personal website for more updates.


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